Friday 17 June 2011

LA adventure

So, I made it.

I had my doubts; continue to, but I'm here, nonetheless, and here for a reason.

To set it straight, I'm in Los Angeles. It's a journey I reasoned with and for, and now find myself in the middle of. I'm glad to be here, and hoping for some answers to questions yet to be asked.

This afternoon, I took a trip back to Culver City to get the desk I now write upon; discovered amongst faded ox paintings and broken-down shoes in a consignment store run and, I'm assuming, owned by a Chinese-American lady and her Cuban-American husband. The desk is small, but sufficient. My computer is flanked by my pen/pencil/paperclip chest and vintage globe - displaying USSR in all it's glory.

My room is small, but again, sufficient. It holds my things, isn't well-lit, but has view of a banana tree which pokes into the screen of my window. It needs cut back to allow more light, but I'm writing at this moment.

Yes, a true experience in growing up the old-fashioned way; boy goes to the city knowing his art, but not practicing it, get's stuck in traffic trying to get the grocery store and makes tuna-salad sandwiches with just mayo and cucumbers, on white bread of course.

I have a big job ahead of me, and while street parking seems to be a worry on my mind, I know more immediate is finding in-roads to potential MATS clients. It's weird going at it alone. But, I know in due time, alone won't be around anymore but, rather, echoes of how observations evolved from sun-blocking banana trees to social engagements and church-involved mission gatherings.

Hope all is well back in Indiana. I'm fine here, a bit uneasy and overwhelmed, but fine.

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